From PGCE graduates on their Volunteer Placements in India
“… truly have had a wonderful time and I feel it is a very worthy and noble cause and I am confident we will be able to get a group to return next year. I know I want to contribute further…”
Marie-Therese Brankin, Cambridge University PGCE student 2006/7
“Thank you for organising such a wonderful experience. Words don’t do it justice…”
Antonia Heath, Cambridge University PGCE student 2007/8
“We want to thank you so much for your kindness and support. This has been a fantastic experience for us…”
Heather, Tom and Laura, Cambridge University PGCE students 2010/11
Heather Lee and Laura Beeby: Early Years
And Thomas Russell: General Primary
(Team led by Marie-Therese on her third visit with Rama Foundation.)
“I would like to thank the Rama Foundation for providing me an opportunity to spend my time in India purposefully and as part of a community… I would be very happy to contribute in any way I can to the RF work on a Girls project…”
Amanda Bridgewater
Oxford University graduate and Institute of Education, London PGCE student 2004/5.
Amanda is now planning to take a year to 18 months out with another friend and teacher with considerable management experience to travel around the world… and says: “… I hope I will be able to be of some use to Rama Foundation if and when we get to the Rishikesh area of India…”
"NGA has also been a very useful experience and we have enjoyed sharing our own teaching methods, ideas and thoughts with staff which will hopefully encourage them to progress further with all the wonderful children there."
"We have all been very touched by the orphanage and really feel we connected with the girls there - that for one will always be in our fondest memories."
Hayley Wyatt, an experienced classroom teacher from a Lower School in Bedford; Emily Long and Sinead Naidoo. PGCE 2011-12 Early Years Specialists, ages 3-7.
“Such young teachers have shaped and continue to determine direction and focus of our efforts of empowering some of the most disadvantaged children…”
Komilla Marwaha, Cambridge University PGCE 2003/4 and Trustee Lead for Education of Rama Foundation.